The Foundation provided assistance to a person in need of medical treatment

The charity public Fund "VAQF" in assistance of generous people provides assistance to hundreds of people in need of medical treatment, suffering from an unfavorable condition. This shows that people in need of such support are the focus of Muslim believers.

In June of the current year resident of the city of Tashkent, the invalid of 2 group, Laziz Akhmedov appealed to the Foundation with a request for assistance in treating his disease.

Two kidneys are not working, the blood needs constant practice of hemodialysis. L. Akhmedov cannot pay for medical treatment, due to difficult family circumstances, the presence of minor children.

On the instructions of the head of the Fund, this person was allocated funds for medical treatment.

And his mother prayed with tears in the eyes for those people who were not indifferent to the state of her child, provided them with help.

Charity public Fund "Vaqf" calls on everyone to help those in need, and through this to achieve the satisfaction of Allah.


Press-service of the charity public Fund "Vaqf"

3 July, 2019 Year | 1113