Monthly income


Daily expences

# Payment date Receiver For reference Amount of assistance Address Type of expense
1 2024-04-26 SAMIR GAFUROV 8 000 000 Yunusobod tumani Minor Mfy Sh.Rashidov ko‘chasi 90-uy, 28-xonadon Assistance to individuals in need of seasonal medical treatment
2 2024-04-26 "VAQF" xayriya jamoat fondi Samarqand viloyat filiali(Зиёратгох) 70 000 000 Самарканд ш Administrative expenses from the income of the shrines
3 2024-04-26 AJ "OZBEKEKSPERTIZA" 1 086 400 ТОШКЕНТ Material and moral support for organisations and their pupils in need of other assistance
4 2024-04-26 Шохи Зинда 70 000 000 САМАРКАНД Ш Administrative expenses from the income of the shrines
Total (daily): 149 086 400